Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Pickle Anyone?

This girl is so silly and her co-workers are equally silly.  One day between shifts, one of the bro-istas was craving a pickle, so they went on a giant pickle run.  Okay.

Why not do a little yoga on the job?

Sometimes, the stars are not aligned and nothing seems to go right.  Kendall and Sierra had one of those nights.  Of course, Kendall came home after her late shift to tell me all about it.  I really have to dig deep on those after work debriefs.  Though I may be tired, they are the highlight of my day.

Her stand had a 'Dutch Culture' night.  I cannot quite figure these meetings out.  They occur every other month or so and seem to be equal parts training and teambuilding.  On this particular night, Ethane, their manager, got 3 pies to the face from some of the newest 'broistas'. He made a deal that if they could score high enough on their Flow tests, they could each pie him. Kendall was one of the three pie - throwers.

This picture is just cute.  Kendall doing a bit of thrift shopping.

Also cute...

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