Saturday, January 8, 2022

Shopping at the Mall...Again.

The girls have entered the partially independent phase of their teenage years.  I say partially, because they do not yet have the ability to execute most things on their own.  Shopping at the mall is one of those examples.

Kendall and Abby wanted to go to the mall.  Kendall drove us all down, as she is required to have an adult in the passenger seat.  I dropped them off and drove home.  About 20 minutes later they asked me to come get them.

Here is the kicker.  When I arrived, I learned that they really just wanted a ride across the street to a restaurant.  In their defense, the temperature was in the single digits.  To their credit, I was expected to eat with them.  As I felt irritation scratch under the surface, I paused a moment.  Here is my teenage daughter and her friend.  Inviting mom to eat dinner with public.  My irritation faded.  I need to cherish these moments.  Even if she is held captive by needing an adult in the car, she is rolling with it.  These moments are becoming more precious.

The following week, Kendall and Sidney also wanted to go on a mall date.  I dropped them off, while my mom and I had our own separate date.  They sent us these pictures to catalog their fun.  Gotta love these MC Hammer style meditation pants.

Oh and this.  I hesitated to post, but again, this blog is for them.  This is a memory they created together.  A trip to the mall with your sister, trying on clothes you have no intention of purchasing (including a trip to Victoria's Secret) and laughing along the way.  I LOVE THIS!

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