Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Horsin' Around.

More updates on Sidney's horse back riding.  She had the privilege of joining one of the local riding groups for an animal parade 'food drive'.  It was a great experience.  Her and Avery painted up the horses and helped walk them through the neighborhoods.

She attended a week long horse day camp last week.  Her trainer pushed her comfort zone and had her ride some of the more challenging horses, as the beginners needed the mellow horses.  Sidney's confidence took a huge boost as she realized that she was becoming one of the more experienced riders.

She sent me this picture of 'Mercy'.  I was pretty sure it was a picture of a horse she had pulled off the internet, until she sent me the other pictures.  Apparently, Mercy legitimately smiles for the camera. Hilarious!

The final day of camp, the kids did a demonstration.  Sidney was fearless while riding Indy.  She was flying.  Afterwards, she informed me that she was riding Indy on speed 3.  Horses have four speeds;  walk, trot, lope, gallop.  I hope I got that right.  Anyways, it was impressive and terrifying!

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