Friday, June 14, 2019

The Capitol Classic.

The girls ran the Capitol Classic again this year.  My mom came down to volunteer for the second year in a row.  It was so much fun.

Kendall found her friend, Brookelyn, at the start line.

My mom was a line leader, while I escorted kids from the cars to the starting line.

They changed it up this year and had the girls and boys run together.  It was great, as a few of those girls gave the boys a run for their money!

About halfway to the finish line, I got a call from Brookelyn's dad, Corey.  He told me that Sid had taken a huge dive onto the asphalt and was getting bandaged up.  I met up with her shortly after.  Two hands, two knees and one elbow later.  She was able to pull herself together and finish the race.  She did cry for a few minutes, but it had very little to do with her scrapes.  She was frustrated, because she had been on pace to beat her personal record for the mile.  I shared the story about the time my dad crashed his bicycle during a triathlon.  Yikes!

In typical fashion, the girls closed the place down.  They enjoyed the race, the food and the fun!

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