Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Student Government (oh and beach bags)!

Oh my goodness, Sidney reminded me that I had not blogged about the student government elections.  Both of the girls decided to run for positions for next year.  Sidney threw her name in the hat as student body president.  She filled out an application, created a campaign speech and made a few posters.  When election day came, she delivered her speech to the student body.  She ran against two other hopefuls.  She was excited to learn the following day that she had been elected as president.  She is super excited, but mostly in title, I think.  The realities of the position (i.e. administering the recycling program, etc.) have not quite set in:).  I am just super proud that she put herself out there.  This is a huge step for Sidney.  She has been showing so much courage lately.  It has been awesome to see her doing more and smiling along the way.

Kendall ran against 18 hopefuls for 7th grade representative.  Her school is so huge, they elect 9 representatives.  She was able to do a bit more campaigning in the middle school.  She passed out jolly ranchers with her name on them.  She strategically waited until the other candidates had run out of candy to pass hers out.  She was also excited to learn that she had been elected as one of the 7th grade representatives.  Nice work!

I included these pictures to show of the beach towel beach bags the girls made with Celia last week.  They are beach towels that fold up into a beach bag for carrying their items.  They are super cute and convenient.  Celia's Craft Room Summer Sewing Camps

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