Thursday, June 13, 2019

School is out!

Wow, the school year is over!  Kendall had her last choir recital.  They performed with the band and the orchestra.  I have to say, the choir did amazing!   I am not certain that Kendall will be taking choir next year, as she did not feel super challenged in it this year.  However, her love for music remains.  She has been focusing on the piano and playing to her heart's content.

Sidney earned an academic achievement award for the second semester.  I am super proud of both of these girls and their hard work!

Kendall has met the greatest group of girls this year.  I am so thankful for both these girls and their parents.  It is a rare gift to find a group of young ladies that are so different, but yet so very supportive of one another!

Sidney has been quite crafty lately.  She silhouetted a basketball shirt for herself.

Sidney's health teacher is named "Mrs. Strong".  Well, Mrs. Strong had her first baby this year.  Terrell bought her baby boy some very cute onesies.  Sidney and I silhouetted a few cute accents on them.  I love that machine.  Yet, I know I do not use it to it's fullest potential!

Sidney's friend Liberty came over for the night, while Kendall was out of town.  They made pita pizzas for dinner.

The three of us went bowling.  I must brag.  I bowled a 120.  That is huge!  Monumental, really.  Typically, I am lucky if I get 70, which is a vast improvement over my old 30.  Woot Woot!

Funny story.  Sidney asked if her and Liberty could ride down to the gas station.  I told her that was fine, but to take her phone and only call if there was an emergency.  About 15 minutes later, my phone rang.  It was Sidney calling.  She said they had a problem.  I expected that one of them had a flat tire or something major like that.  No.  They had bought a huge fountain soda to share and it would not fit in their bike holders.  Wow!  We discussed how to resolve it.  Her and Liberty went back in and asked the cashier if they could pour their soda into two smaller cups.  Sid offered to pay for the cups, but the lady was kind enough to give them to her. Did I mention that this was at 9 am in the morning?

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