Friday, March 16, 2018

The Philharmonic and 5th Grade Choir.

Each year the third graders take a field trip to the Boise Philharmonic.  Sidney was very excited to go.  The kids get dressed up for the occasion.  Sidney looked fashionable.  I am CERTAIN that she gets her sense of fashion from me:)

Kendall has been doing choir for the past two years.  It is an optional activity.  The kids have to attend practice two days a week before school.  The instructor is amazing.  She does such a great job and teaches and inspires the kids so much.  This year they had their spring performance.  The choir did a fantastic job.

Kendall always enjoys performing and has learned so much from this group.

She had the privilege of a speaking part for the performance this year.  It was a delight to watch.  The theme for the 5th grade performance was both the Olympics and Patriotism. 

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