Friday, May 26, 2017

Food and Friends.

Terrell bought the girls an American Girl cookbook at the Spring book fair.  They love messing around in the kitchen, so it was quite exciting for them.  Kendall and her friend Cortni decided to make spaghetti and meatballs from scratch one evening.  Sidney made garlic cheese bread to go along with it.  They had a great time, pressing garlic and pretending they were Julia Child the whole time. 

Our house smelled of deliciousness the whole evening.

The girls invited their neighborhood friends and Grandma Terrell over to enjoy the feast.

I always volunteer to do the cleanup when they cook.  I marvel at how many dishes they can go through while they are cooking.  I am certain I washed at least five sinks full of dishes.  Efficiency in cooking is not their strong suit.

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