Saturday, April 9, 2016

Home Sweet Home!

Well, we finally made it home.  The covering oncologist wanted to keep Kevin there for a few more days until his ANC count was at least 1000 cells per microliter.  We were resigned to this news, but we had an angel on our side.  The infectious disease doctor (sounds ominous), whom had been covering Kevin's case and had gotten to know us through the week, came to our rescue.  She told the oncologist that we were very "responsible and capable", and she had full confidence we would follow directives.  Huh, maybe she did not get to know us that well after all?  She must have done a good job of convincing, because the oncologist agreed to let us go. 

Here are the doctors orders, until his counts come back up:  Daily shots at the cancer care center, blood cultures again on Monday, daily IV antibiotics administered by me, oral antibiotics three times a day.  As Kevin says, "You know that guy you see walking around with a mask on?  I have become that guy."  People that come to visit need to use our sanitizer and keep a cool three feet away or wear a mask.  Kevin is not the contagious one at this time.  We are all the "dirty birds" (as Kendall used to say when she was a wee little one).  His body has no natural ability to fight off ANYTHING at the moment. 

We are very grateful to at least be home.  I would be remiss, if I did not say that I was a little nervous at the same time.  I suppose a healthy level of fear is good and will motivate us to follow Dr.'s orders. 

The girls made sure that Kevin's hospital whiteboard was complete by filling in the "About Me" section.  They do love their Daddy.  He spent a lot of time with them last night answering all of their questions and concerns.  It is heartbreaking that they have to go through this, but they are amazing young ladies.  I am grateful that they are asking questions and voicing their concerns!

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