Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Easter and some much needed time with the Nelsons.

Again, I am not certain how I miss some of the most opportune photos.  My parents came for the weekend before we left for our DC trip.  My Dad and I managed to sneak off for a round of golf.  They also spoiled the girls with an early Easter egg hunt.  They hid dollar bills in the eggs.  Each girl had a certain number of eggs to find, and they scored some spending money for our trip to Washington DC.  I love having my parents here.  It is always hard to see them go!

The day after we got back from DC, it was Easter Sunday.  Our church always has the kids do special art projects in the weeks leading up to Easter.  Then, they display them on Easter Sunday.  The girls were excited to show us their piece of art.
The Nelson's invited us over for Easter dinner and our annual egg hunt.  The food was plentiful.

Terrell made a few special treats to celebrate the occasion.  I always love to see what she will create.  Pinterest has become her best friend.  We are fortunate enough to be the guinea pigs for many of the amazing things she finds.

Here is just a fraction of the eggs we hid for the kids.  Maybe we go overboard, but who doesn't love Easter candy?
Kevin was showing David all of the pictures from our trip.

The girls getting their battle face on for their egg hunt.

...And off they go!

Eli hid one in his shirt pocket.  Look how tall he is getting!

The boys getting their game face on.

...And off they go!

At the end of the day, we all agreed on one very important thing...we cannot wait so long between visits!  It was such a great day!

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