Monday, October 19, 2015

Mr. Clean and a Show of Support.

Kevin started his new chemo regimen this fall.  He has been through two cycles.  This time he has chemo every three weeks.  The side affects are very different and somewhat predictable.  Last time, his hair only started to fall out and then stopped.  This time his hair was coming out quite rapidly.  The girls have been teasing him for awhile, so he decided to let them help.  He brought out the clippers and let them at go to town.  They were a little bit nervous and giggled the whole time.

After this, Kevin asked me to take the razor to his head for a really close shave.  Then it was my time to be nervous.  Thankfully, no nicks or razor burn.  Phew!  His only regret?  That he did not do this sooner.  Now he has a very white chrome dome for the winter.  Seriously though, I think he looks fabulous!  I have always thought bald heads look sleek and sexy.

The two middle schools that Kevin directs surprised him with a tribute.  The two teams were schedule to play each other.  Both teams put these stickers on their helmet.  It was as close to Periwinkle as they could find.  What an honor!

Another day, he showed up to his office only to find all of these notes stuck to his door.  The students had written notes of encouragement and support to him.  What a gift!!!

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