Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Happenings.

The girls are back in school now.  So what have we been up to?  To start Kendall came home from school last month with an interesting surprise.  She said, "Mom and Dad, guess what?  I have the most fabulous opportunity.  I get to run for Student Council this year.  First of all, I will need you to sign a waiver since I will be missing some class.  Second, I have to write a speech and give it to my class.  Lastly I have to get elected."  I had to explain to her that she should work very hard at it if it is something she really wants.  However, she should keep in mind that only one person gets elected and many others will not.  Work she did.  She spent the weekend writing and rehearsing a speech.  Then she delivered her speech, along with six other classmates, to her class.  She was successfully elected into office.  It has been quite an experience and an impressive amount of responsibility.  I think there have been a couple of moments in which the experience has been overwhelming, but overall she has been up for the challenge.

We all got our annual flu shots.  This is no small feat in the Strong house.  Both the girls despise shots.  Their doctor agreed to get his along with them this year.  It did not mitigate the drama though.  Kendall wriggled so much she pulled the needle out of her arm and had to get a double poke.  Sidney proceeded to scream loudly the whole time until the moment of truth, then she stoically requested the shot be given in her thigh.  The nurse looked at her like she was crazy, but obliged.  Those girls!  Looking at this picture, you would never know the drama that went into it.

Our garden produced a lot of pumpkins this year.  The girls were very excited to pick them.  Yes, we will not win the prize for largest pumpkin, but is sure was fun.

To continue our bug obsession, we have spotted about three Praying Mantis's around our house.  Can you see this one?

The girls decided to part with their much loved convertible this fall.  It was super sad to see the car go, but the family that is taking over ownership will get a ton of good use out of it!

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