Sunday, June 24, 2012

Recital Pics - 2 months in the making

Boy have I been slacking!  I thought I should post some recital pictures before next year rolls around.  The girls had their recital in May and they both had a fantastic time.  They did a lot of goofing off before we headed to the auditorium.

Kevin and I got there early to nab some front row seats.  My mom came down for the event.  She was kind enough to take a family picture of us.

This year was Kendall's second recital. Of course she considered herself a seasoned veteran and patiently explained to Sidney everything that was going to happen.  Kendall was the first one on stage.  She was very focused this year.  It was immediately apparent that Kevin should have sat in the middle of my mom and I, because as soon as Kendall hit the stage my mom started to bawl.  Then I immediately started to cry.  The problem is that when we "Workman" girls experience anything traumatic (i.e. sentimental moments, someone hurting themselves badly) we laugh hysterically.  So there we were, my mom and I, alternating between crying and laughing hysterically.  We were a mess to say the least.

Sidney's group danced later.  She was a beauty.  Kevin and I were not sure how she was going to react to being on stage in front of all those people.  She spotted us immediately and gave us a huge grin.  She was not nervous at all.  Of course, the ridiculous crying from my mother and I ensued.  My favorite part of Sidney's dance was when she had to hop across the stage.  She got really into it and did a great job.

What is a recital without flowers from Daddy?  The girls had a fantastic time and we loved every minute of it!

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