Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Too Much Sickness!

Let me start off this post by saying I make a horrible sick person, but this time really took its toll.  It all started the day of Kendall's recital (which I will post later).  Sidney was very hot and clingy (should have been the first sign).  Yet I was not sure if it was just all of the excitement and running around they had been doing.  Aunt Stephie and Grandma Terrell were both in town.  The girls had been swimming, to baseball games, to 6 new Boise parks (yes, Aunt Stephie is the bomb!).  My first thought was that she was tired.  We went to the recital and had a wonderful day.  Can you see from this picture that something might be wrong?  Well I sure could not...

That evening at the dreaded hour of midnight, I was heading for the bathroom.  Let the games begin!  About 30 minutes later as I was heading to the bathroom for a second time, Sidney came into our room and started "coughing".  She had vomited all over her bed.  Kevin was a champ and cleaned it up.  Let the games continue...Sidney and I laid in my bed that night with the flu.  Fortunately Sidney was better by Sunday morning.  I kept waiting to get better, and waiting, and waiting...Nothing.  No getting better. 

On Tuesday morning (yes, the third day) I still could not hold anything down.  There was no sign of getting better.  My body hurt from laying around so much.  Those who know me understand that I rarely even lay for a solid 7 hours at night.  I was hurting.  Off to the urgent care I went.  According to the Doctor, I was extremely dehydrated and needed desperately to stop the vomiting.  After awhile at the doctor, it was back to the house with Zofrin to stop the vomiting and 3 large bottles of pedialyte.  Wednesday I headed back to work (BAD MOVE!).  I still had not eaten, but I could just envision the work piling up.  After a pathetic attempt at work, it was back home.  FINALLY by Friday I was feeling "almost" normal.  By Saturday, I was eating Andrade's Mexican food.  WooHoo!

Then it was Kendall's turn.  Sunday night her and Sidney were at the Nelson's when she got sick.  Bummer!  Instantly I started to freak out.  Irrational thoughts ran through my mind.  I was not going to mess around.  My experience the week before showed me how quickly things can go from bad to REALLY bad.  Kevin had to calm me down.  "One step at a time", he told me.  Well thankfully, the flu did not linger too long for her.  She was eating dinner by Monday evening.  The real bummer in all of this is that the girls had to miss their friend Emily's 3rd birthday party.  On a positive note, the Nelson kids all seem fine.  So far, so good.

So what does one do after any serious bout with the flu?  CLEAN!  Then do some yard work, then clean some more.  My house has never been more spotless.  Did you know that soap can build up underneath the lip of your washing machine?  Indeed.  I was up until midnight scrubbing it out.  My van has never looked so clean.  I do not even think it was that clean when I bought it.

Than came the yard work.  I planted 6 hanging baskets.  I moved two shrubs and planted four more. 

Next I put in 6 new plants that I am hoping will make good ground cover.  The fence is to keep crazy Coco from digging them up before they get a chance to take root.  She had already dug them up one time before I managed to get the fence up (well actually Kevin managed to get the fence up).

Lastly, but certainly not least, my beautiful Mother's Day present.  The girls and Kevin had told me on Mother's Day that they had wanted to buy me a fountain.  Kendall had mentioned several times that they wanted to take me and let me pick out a fountain.  "One that you want mommy.  Not one that we want".  Seriously cute!  This weekend, after all of the craziness, we went shopping for a fountain.  Initially I thought I wanted a rock water fountain, but when I saw this one I loved it instantly.  There is a blue light that shines from underneath the water. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Donut Coma and Channeling Marilyn - Round 2

The girls are certainly not deprived children, but donuts are just not a staple around our house.  Much to their luck, I went grocery shopping Friday evening.  As I was heading past the bakery, the voice in the loudspeaker announced that donuts were half off.  Now who can resist a bargain?  Naturally I grabbed a box.  I did not tell the girls about them, since I knew they would never go to sleep if they knew that yummy donuts were waiting for them when they woke up.  Most certainly I would get the pitter patter of feet every hour through the night and the question "Mommy is it time to wake up yet?"  So when Sid was the first to rise on Saturday morning, she got first pick of the bunch.  I could not resist grabbing the camera.  It is apparent that humans are born to love donuts.  She did not need any instruction on how to eat them.  Nor did she need any coaxing to give it a try. 

You can almost see the sugar coma setting in before the goods were even finished!

Sid is on a parent imposed hiatus from the kiddie pool for the time being.  There are a few rules she must learn to follow before we let her back in.  I know, I know...mean mommy!  She does not seem to mind too much (I think she is missing the point - that sitting outside the pool is supposed to teach her a lesson).  I have mentioned previously about her ability to channel Marilyn Monroe.  Well, here she is again.  Gotta love those heater vents...

Kevin worked really hard in the yard this weekend.  Check out his handy work.  He cut out the grass for the patio extension, relocated the sprinkler pipes and poured the concrete. 

While that was curing (with the help of a little rain), he put together our new outdoor fireplace.  The next day he put the fireplace outside and fired it up.  Now we just need the rain and snow (yes, snow in May - ridiculous) to stop long enough to enjoy the fire.  I am so looking forward to hanging out in the backyard!  Next on his list...He wants to stain the concrete.  I think it will look marvelous!

I am looking forward to this weekend in a big way. My Brother-in-Law coaches varsity baseball and they have made it to State again this year. So my sister and the gang are heading down Wednesday. Grandma Terrell arrives Friday. Kendall has her first official dance recital on Saturday and Sid is looking forward to introducing Grandma Terrell and Cousin Dylan to her soccer coach.  Good times!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is Finished!

My crazy apron project is complete.  After the speeding ticket, I had kind of lost interest and went on a crafting hiatus.  Each weekend I would think about the unfinished aprons in the closet.  Finally this Sunday I pulled them out and finished them.  I grabbed the cooking props and the girls humored me with a quick photo shoot.  Of course the fabric was their choice and as wild as it gets.  Who would expect anything less?

Now that I know what I am doing, they were so fun and easy.  I think I will keep my eye out for some bargain fabric and make a few for the girls' school.  They are always looking for aprons for the kids. 

Today when I picked the girls up from school, Sidney was hanging out in Kendall's class.  As it turns out, she got to be in there for most of the day.  Ellen, the director, told me that Kendall spent a few hours in the "4's class", which is technically the preschool class she will be in next year.  Apparently Ellen had asked for volunteers and Kendall threw her hand up.  This was quite a remarkable feat since a few months ago she went over there for about half an hour and was pretty intimidated.

Saturday I had to take both of the girls to Sidney's soccer class since Kevin was busy with the Tennis tournament.  Before we went, I gave Kendall the lecture about how this is Sid's class and she can watch or help out like one of the parents.  She did an amazing job and helped Sidney every step of the way.  Sidney was glowing.  She introduced her sister Kendall to everyone and was the first to jump in and show off her tricks.  When we left I asked Sidney what her favorite part was.  She said, "Playing with Kendall".  I truly wish I could say it was like this all of the time, but it is NOT. 

I was telling my friend Kristin about an incident that happened a couple of weeks.  The girls were bickering like crazy.  Kevin was gone, and I was not in the mood.  I told them that the next time I heard them argue they were both going to their rooms for 20 minutes.  Crazy, I know.  That is a long time for a little kid!  About 30 seconds after my insane threat they started to fight.  Up to their rooms they went.  They were put in separate rooms and the timer on the stove was set for 20 minutes.  Aah, the quiet.  It was beautiful!  About 5 minutes into it, I heard Sid sneak into Kendall's room and giggles start to emit from the bedroom.  The control freak in me wanted to run up the stairs and scold them, but I decided against it.  Instead I did what any sane woman would do, I snuck up the stairs and peaked around the corner to watch (apparently I do that a lot).  They were having so much fun.  It seems that the absence of me was all that they needed to start getting along.  I wish that would work every time!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let the yard work begin.

It has been GORGEOUS here the past few days.  I love the sun.  I think we are finally headed into consistently beautiful weather.  Last Sunday we spent the day working in the yard.  For the first time, the girls were actually quite productive.  They helped me weed the rock beds.  Sidney tried to pull one of the tulips up, but Kendall was quick to stop her.  Kendall used the same vigilance to come after me when I pulled up a bunch of dandelions.  I suppose to her they look like beautiful yellow flowers.  To me they are flowers that I do not want - weeds! 
After all of the yard work, the girls enjoyed the last of the ice cream cups that Grandma had bought.  Coco was trying very hard to get a lick of any drippings.
I was so bummed that Grandma was not here to see the sunshine.  She went home on Saturday afternoon.  It was so awesome to spend time with her.  She celebrates her 85th birthday this month.  She is amazing.  Physically she may have slowed down, but mentally don't mess with Grams she will outwit you in a second.  I am so grateful that she is able to come and spend time with us.  The girls love her to pieces.  Who wouldn't love a Grandma that buys them tie-dye leggings?

Oh, did I mention that we bought an outdoor fireplace?  It is gorgeous.  Kevin is going to extend our patio and stain the concrete, so for now the fireplace remains in the box, as I wait impatiently...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Mom, Peter Came!"

Last Sunday morning (Easter), I heard Kendall's door open.  She went downstairs to see if the Easter Bunny had come.  Sure enough, he had!  I watched her quietly from the top of the stairs.  She pulled each thing out of her basket, one by one.  Then she very carefully put them all back in.  Then she shouted, "Mom, Peter Came!".  I was bewildered, Peter?  Alas, she explained it was Peter Cottontail.  The whole day, she kept referring to the Easter Bunny as Peter Cottontail.  After the exclamation from Kendall, Sid made her way down the stairs to see all of their Easter surprises.
Kendall immediately used one of her note cards to write a thank you note to Peter.  She is getting really good at her lettering.  She will ask me how to spell certain words, then set out writing. 
After all of the excitement, we got ourselves ready for church.  The girls decided to wear their new dress-up hats and purses to church.  Good thing the Easter bunny decided not to get too crazy with the colors!
Kevin was very intent on getting a family self portrait before church.  Thank goodness for my husband always trying to capture the moment.
Our church always puts on a fantastic Easter egg hunt after service.  The girls had a blast as usual.  Sidney was really going after it. 
Kendall met up with her friend Jacob during the hunt.  Jacob looked very dapper in his snazzy Easter outfit. 
Sid was so excited with her candy loot that she had trouble deciding what piece to eat first...
It was a great Easter.  We enjoyed Kevin's favorite, spiral ham, and my favorite, sweet potatoes, for dinner.  It never fails every time I make sweet potatoes, the girls proclaim how much they do not like sweet potatoes as soon as they see them.  Then they venture to take a bite and end up going for seconds.  Smart girls!