Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monkeys, Moms, and Good Deals

And, not in that particular order. This morning as I was drying the girls off from their bath, they began running around making making noises (Sid is getting awfully good at this). I managed to coax them into sitting still for one moment while I took a picture. These towels are a favorite of mine. I sometimes marvel at how we as parents often enjoy our childrens toys more than they do. It was right around chrismas time that I went on a quest for new towels. They just HAD to be frogs or monkeys. I have no explanation for this other than it is simply the way it HAD to be. Well after almost a month of searching I found them. I probably could have found them in a fraction of the time had I known where to look. It is well worth it to watch them running around acting crazy after bath time!
Yesterday Kevin and I scored some incredible deals. We hit the doorbuster sale at JCP (and had coupons on top of that). I managed to get a very cute pair of $65 shoes for the bargain price of $15. Kevin scored a really nice pair of slacks and a sweater for $20! Wow does that feel good. I have always said that "if" (correction: "when") we win the lottery, I will still bargain shop. It is the satisfaction that I love so much.
Now for some "not so fun" news. My mom has been VERY sick! I have spent all afternoon organizing junk drawers in an attempt to keep my mind and hands busy. While I am doing that, my sister is sitting with my mom and dad in the emergency room. This whole crazy thing started last Sunday when my mom got the flu in the worst way. She was sick until Wednesday unable to keep anything down. Then she had a day and a half of recovery, then sick again. My mom never gets sick. I can count on one hand the number of times she has been down and out. Finally at 1pm today, my dad called my sister and said they were going in to the hospital. My mom said she was a 10 on the pain scale. My mom used to be a nurse in oncology, so she knows how to use the pain scale and a 10 is insane! So here I sit, helpless, worried and trying to keep myself busy. I am really hoping that she has just become so dehydrated that things are not functioning properly. That is any easy fix - right? Either way, I hope we hear something soon. And, I hope my mom starts to feel better and her pain goes away. She will always be my mom and I will always be her daughter. Yes, that is obvious. But, it is interesting how that relationship and everything that comes with it never changes. To this day when I am sick, I wish for my mom to be there to hold me. Right now, I wish I was there to hold her!


King Kohls said...

I love the picture of the girls...such cute towels! I'll be thinking of your mom and keep her in my prayers. I know what you mean about always wanting moms around when we're ill...nobody comforts quite like a mother.

Kristin said...

She will be fine. We are thinking of her.

Team said...

Thinking of you and your mom, xoxo

Gerbicks said...

praying for you guys & your mom. it is so hard to see parents ill. here's to good news soon!