Saturday, January 2, 2010

My sweet, sweet Kendall!

Happy Birthday my little girl. I cannot even begin to describe what you mean to us. You are one of the most precious little girls ever. It was three years ago that we brought you home from the hospital and our whole world changed. The time has flown by so fast.
I still recall your first night at home. We put you in a basinet in our room and you slept pretty soundly while your dad and I did not sleep a wink. We heard every squeaky sound and movement you made. The second night it was off to the crib for you.

You have brought so much joy to our lives. When life gets busy, I often question what I did with all of my time before we had you. The only answer I can come up with is that I wasted a heck of a lot of time.

You have grown up so much this year. What are some of the highlights?

1. You have learned to take a deep breath when you get upset (this is a big one that I have not even learned yet).
2. You tell excellent “knock-knock” jokes.
3. You do not wear diapers anymore (three cheers for Kendall)!
4. You care deeply for others – evidenced by your sleeping with the light on so Hannah would not be scared.
5. You give the best butterfly kisses.
6. You help mommy take care of “Sidilicious”.
7. You learned to feed your doggies – and love it!
8. You have had some of your first sleepovers with friends – this one makes mommy “happy – sad” if there is such a thing.
9. You will talk to anyone and everyone that will listen.
10. You make me laugh – and I mean REALLY laugh. I have no idea where you come up with some of the stuff you do and say.

My little lady, you are something. I thank God for every tiny bit of you. Happy Birthday!


Gerbicks said...

she is so darling. & those eyes!

happy birthday! we have a card (picked out by none other than adeline) to mail to dear kendall but it will be late in typical gerbick fashion.

Team said...

Happy Birthday Kendall! We're all lucky to have you to brighten our days (and play with Audrey!)

Phone: (208) 255-8085 said...

I am so blessed to have kendall for a granddaughter.Beautiful picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phone: (208) 255-8085 said...

I forgot to sign my note!!!!Love Mom

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, my beautiful cousin!