Sunday, November 15, 2009


Becky asked me last night about the number of teeth that Sidney has. So, what did I do when I got home? ...count them. She has twelve chompers. Beware!
We had a great time last night. We went to our friends, the Brandt's, for dinner. The Parson's were there also. Kevin said it best "Times sure have changed since three years ago." When we get together now there are 4 little rugrats running around with one more on the way (courtesy of the Parson's). The girls seemed to have a great time. This was evidenced by Kendall sleeping in until 7am. WOW! I did see a couple of flashes last night, so hopefully Kristin or Becky captured the moment. I was not thinking ahead.

Kevin and Kendall spent the morning putting the lawn furniture away.While Sidney and I cleaned up (aka: stayed warm) inside.
I am including the picture below just because I think sidney looks adorable in her little outfit. I estimate that I have at least 6 more months of dolling Sidney up before she decides that she will be picking out her own outfits:)


Marin and Matt said...

Wow! 12 teeth. Garrett only has 4. Your girls are sure cute.

Team said...

I didn't bring my camera either! Kristin took a few pics though.
Audrey had so much fun with your girls, she was exhausted and went to bed early last night.

Gerbicks said...

12 teeth, what a great thing! she's almost done...good for her (get it over with!). yea, what a change 3 years make! & yes, we have about 6 months before the younger ones start to pick our clothes, so sad.