Saturday, February 24, 2024

Maize the Wonder Horse.

Noel has been giving me a few lessons on Maize.  She has also told me to get out there and ride her as much as possible, so that I can get some seat time and gain confidence.  I love this horse.  Maize is super broke, but fun.  She is not going to do anything crazy, but she also likes to put me to the test every now and again.

I trotted during my last couple of lessons.  That is SO much harder than it looks.  I am so completely out of control when I trot.  Finally during the last lesson, I had a trot that just felt good.  Apparently, it is half art, just learning to find the rhythm and ride the trot.  Here is a picture of one of my trotting moments where Maize was going wherever she pleased.  I think we almost took Noel out.  Either that or Noel is doubled over with laughter.  I think it is probably a bit of both!

Sidney is a tough coach.  She does not take no for an answer and had Maize and I going up little hills and over large logs.  Again, small things for most riders - huge things for me.  I am just glad to have Maize as a teacher.

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