Thursday, March 24, 2022

Vacation Part 3 - The Beach.

Oh the beach.  My absolute favorite!!!  My sister and I took long walks almost every day.  It was so glorious!  This is my sister and I just moments after dropping our bags off.  Yes, we are here!

I took this picture that my sister posted on social media.  She got multiple comments that it looked like an album cover.

One of the days, my friend Vicki came down to visit.  She and I were in the military together.  We used to hang out, go to clubs and concerts together and try our hand at surfing.  Vicki brought two of her long boards down for us to play around on.  I love friends that you can go without seeing for years and pick right back up with.

I believe Sidney would be a surfer girls if we lived in Cali.

Our youth pastor's daughter Hazel is battling cancer.  The girls drew this in the sand and sent a picture to them.

One evening, at sunset, Kendall went to the beach to practice her aerial.  I took a few pictures of her messing around.

There was a rock pier that we walked out on.  It was so beautiful.

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