Monday, March 21, 2022

The Junk Drawer - March 2022.

 So, Kendall and I both decided we did not have enough holes in our head and this happened...

AshLee and her boyfriend visited from Montana recently (no pics)!  While they were here, we played a game of Apples to Apples.  One of the words was round.  I threw in the card 'pancakes'.  Not a single person thought that was a good fit.  I cannot imagine why?  Then, the following morning I saw this....

Picture for enjoyment.  I love putting beautiful flowers in these vases.  It brings me great joy!  It is the little things.

I cannot even begin to count the number of puzzles that I have completed this year that are missing pieces.  One word, Bella.  She no longer jumps up to eat them.  However if I drop one on the floor, she is instantly chewing it up.  Oh the joy.  Here is one puzzle she did not get ahold of.

Meet Lollihops.  Kendall's pink frog.  Her teammate Beka was getting rid of her frog.  Kendall jumped at the opportunity.  We now have 2 dogs, a fish and a frog.  More to come, but that is for a later post.

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