Monday, October 19, 2020

Fall Cleanup, Flowers and a Surprise.

This weekend I warned the girls that Saturday was going to be fall cleanup day.  My parents caught wind of it and offered to come help.  Yes!  Their trees are not quite large enough to really require clean up, so perhaps they were relishing in our fun (or just plain crazy).  Anyways, I was not going to argue.  I did provide extra incentive....


With all of the extra hands, we were done in no time!

Even Bailey got into the action.  He had fun chasing his ball, but moreover he enjoyed carrying off the trimmings.

During our trimming, Grandma found this easter egg hidden in one of the shrubs.  The funny thing is that the egg has to be at least three years old.  Last year, we had Easter indoors.  The year before that, we were at Rebecca's.  Inside the egg, was an intact Laffy Taffy.  Yuck!  

I love fresh flowers.  Sometimes I treat myself and buy the market fresh bunches from Albertsons (3 for $12).  Of course, I typically plop them in the vase without a whole lot of intervention.  This time was different.  The girls and I have been binge watching The Good Witch.  In the series, Abigail opens a flower shop.  She makes putting bouquets together as easy as an after thought.  So, naturally, I channeled my inner Abigail and whipped my three new market bouquets into one giant beautiful bouquet.  Here we are a week and a half later and these beauties are still thriving!

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