Sunday, July 19, 2020

Staycation 2020.

Work has been absolutely insane the past few months.  However, the work project that has earned me the title of 'workaholic' in my home, launched just before the 4th of July.  There is still a lot more to do, but the breathing room feels nice.  With work under control, some time off was in order.  The girls and I typically do a summer staycation where we go to the water park and amusement park.  Considering the current pandemic, none of us felt comfortable with those plans this year.  We pulled together a list of fun activities and took some time to get away.

We went on a great hike in the Military Reserve.  There are a ton of great trails in this gem, but we chose one that was easy and partly shady.  It is a definite do over.  We even talked my mom and dad into going with us.  Of course, ice cream was in order afterwards.

We spent a day fishing, swimming and kayaking up at Arrowrock.  Kevin loved this place.  I must admit I have never seen it so crowded before.  Typically, we have the whole place to ourselves.  I felt pretty accomplished loading all of the kayaks up and driving that precarious road on my own.  My parents were just a car length away, so that was helpful.  The girls were a huge help getting everything loaded up.  It was an amazing day.  Hannah went with us, which is always a treat.

I bought my first batch of fireworks as an adult this year.  They even threw in a couple of free ones to celebrate the occasion.  Our whole neighborhood went nuts, so it was a ton of fun.  The girls said this was their best 4th of July ever.  It reminded me of when I was a kid and we used to pull our fireworks together with other families and make a day of it.  I loved it!

I managed to get in a couple rounds of golf.  One round with my dad on the morning of the 4th.  Then Sid and I went out by ourselves one morning.  Anyone reading this should not get the idea that I am actually a good golfer.  However, I do really enjoy it.  I remember making fun of Bret and Kevin over their golf obsession.  Then Kevin took me out one day.  It was actually a lot of fun.   

The movie theaters are not showing any new movies these days.  I did see that they were showing Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  I took the girls to see it.  I was curious if they would enjoy this movie as much as I did.  It did not disappoint.  They were laughing hysterically.  Now, they will get my 'Bueller, Bueller" reference.

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