Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Our Days in Quarantine.

As we continue to write history this spring, the girls and I have been making the best of it.  Strangely, I have been busier than ever at work.  Sidney has been doing online school all year, so the change has not been too challenging.  Initially, the distraction of having Kendall home threw her off course.  After a reset, she is back on track.  Kendall has been keeping herself busy with her online high school Spanish class.  She has been doing a lot of reading, writing in her journal and exercising. 

Sidney had asked about highlights.  In old school fashion, I purchased a frost and tip kit.  The girls thought this was hilarious.  I had forgotten how much it hurts to have your hair pulled through the cap.  Sidney handled it like a champ.

I pulled through all of the holes.  If we do this again, I think half the holes wold be ideal.

My dad and I went on our first golf outing of the year.  It is quite nice that they have been able to keep the course open, with lots of extra precautions.  It was a very chilly morning, but I loved every minute of it.  Okay, not every minute.  I am pretty sure that I decided to sit one entire hole out.  It totally helped my mental space:).

I did not think on my feet, so toilet paper hoarding was not on my radar.  At some point, it started to become a real issue.  Thankfully, my amazon order arrived just in time.  Bailey guarded it nicely for me.

The days have been beautiful, so the girls and I have been taking a lot of bike rides and walks.  Sidney has been pretty bummed to not have horse lessons during this time.  Alyssa has been doing online lessons with the kids a few afternoons a week, so they can at least stay in touch and see the horses.  Sidney has been walking over to our neighbors each night to feed their horses carrots.  They have a new pony that, after much dedication, finally ate out of Sidney's hand.

Kevin had a bit of a 'Dennis the Menace' streak and was always playing practical jokes.  I believe Sidney inherited this trait.  Case in point, she yelled from the powder room the other night, "Mom, the toilet is smoking."  Of course, I came scurrying in only to find this...

In lieu of campfire smores, we have been treating ourselves to oven baked smores.  Pure deliciousness!

Yes, it certainly will be a spring to forever remember.  I know that there are many people who have lost their jobs, are struggling to find food and have lost their lives to this insane virus.  Each and every day, I try to remember to be grateful that we are healthy.  Yes, it may have caused us some angst, but we have been incredibly fortunate thus far.

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