Sunday, March 29, 2020


Our carpet has been in need of a good stretching.  It had developed waves in it.  As I was talking to my friend about getting it stretched and realizing that I would have to practically move out of my house to do it, she said that I may as well get it replaced.  Our current carpet is about 11 years old and 'poop' colored according to the girls:).  After much back and forth, that is what we decided to do, replace it!  Here is a before picture of our 'poop' colored carpet.

Thankfully, the place where we bought the carpet also arranged for movers to move us out and back in.  Phew!

Here are a couple shots of the carpet (before they were totally finished).  I love this carpet!  It has a lot of tonal variability and goes with all of the different colors in our home.  Here it is in the master bedroom lighting.

In the sun room, it has a totally different look.

Slightly funny story, we had this carpet installed about four weeks ago.  However, the installer had to leave for a dentist appointment and asked if he could come back at the end of the week to do the stairs.  "Of course." I said.  It was no problem to me, since I was able to get the furniture moved back in and put the house back together.  Then, crazy COVID-19 took over.  The installer has someone in his family that is immune compromised.  Plus, it is just better safe than sorry.  I suppose we will live with our 'poop' colored stairs for a bit longer.  We sure have been enjoying the rest of the carpet though.  In the big scheme of things, this is inconsequential.

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