Tuesday, June 5, 2018

That's a Wrap!

Phew!  The school year has ended.  As mentioned in my previous post, it was a busy May.  At the final awards ceremony, Sidney was honored with an academic award, as well as Citizen of the Month.  Mrs. Hahle decided to mess with her and make her jump for a high five.  Sidney played along.  The crowd got a big laugh out of it.  Sidney was blessed with my genes in the height department.

Sidney formed a pretty tight bond with her teacher this year, Mrs. Koval.  There were lots of tears shed on the last day of school.  Third grade has been a tricky year for both the girls.  Thankfully, they were both blessed with phenomenal teachers that supported them tremendously.

The 5th grade had an optional science fair this year.  Kendall took runner up!  Her friend Amelia took first place.  Mr. Barnett was quick to point out that the boys need to step up.  Smart girls rock!  In addition to the science fair, Kendall also received a Gold Presidential Academic Award.  It is a pretty big honor to receive that award. 

Where has the time gone?  We now have a child in middle school.  Yes, that is correct, Kendall will be entering middle school in the fall.  She is very excited to spread her wings and exercise her independence.  Me?  I am not so excited for that.
Mr. Barnett was Kendall's fifth grade teacher.  He was awesome.  Always upbeat, always challenging.  He instilled a great amount of independence in the students this year, which will help them tremendously as they head into next year.
We are incredibly proud of all the hard work these young ladies put into school! 

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