Sunday, October 2, 2016

An Update on the New Treatment.

Kevin had his second round of the new immunotherapy drug last Friday.  The first round was a bit tough with the side effects.  During our pre-infusion appointment, we sat with one of the nurse practitioners for quite awhile.  The nurse practitioner was new to St. Al's and had just moved here from Denver.  She was very thorough and wicked smart.  She listened to everything that Kevin was describing to her.  In the end, she changed up a lot of his daily medications to try and get after some of the side effects that were sidelining him.  I must far, so good.  He has had the best week in a long time.  He went fishing, tinkered in the garage, went grocery shopping with me and generally felt a lot better.  It was good to see him feeling good for a change!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yayyyyy! Such great news! We are just elated that the new medicine is allowing Kevin to feel "GOOD" again...SO WONDERFUL!!