Tuesday, March 15, 2016

An Afternoon at the Orr Farm.

Last weekend we took the girls out to our friend Valerie's house.  She is a good friend of ours and a coworker of Kevin's.  Valerie grew up on a small farm and has been carrying on the tradition.  In fact, she has turned me into an egg snob.  I loathe the days that I have to buy store bought eggs.  I have become spoiled with the bright orange yolks of her chickens.  She had just gotten some new baby chickens, so we thought it would be fun to take the girls out to see them.
Kendall fed one of the new baby goats (though they are growing quite fast).  Here is "Jill" eating from her hands.  "Jack" was not far away.

Sidney was trying to sweet talk her Dad into something, while "Jill" looked on.

Kendall was quite the goat whisperer.  I don't think they were too sure about her at first.  All of her sudden movements were throwing them off.  Mick, the alpaca, firmly kept his distance.
The little chicks were nestled under the heat lamp.  They were eating out of Kendall's hand in no time.

The girls got to hold some of the baby chicks.

Sidney was not too sure about the whole thing at first.  It took her a bit to relax.  By the time we were on our way home, she wanted to head back again.

Valerie has a gorgeous rooster named P-Diddy.  Thank goodness P-Diddy was safe behind the fencing, as I still have visions of my sister getting attacked by a rooster when we were kids.  No joke!  My sister is deathly afraid of roosters to this day.

The adult chickens were happy to get some food and attention.  I think it is awesome that Valerie knows exactly which chicken lays which eggs.  She loves to keep a wide variety of chickens.  They lay green, brown and white eggs.  My favorite eggs are the ones laid by the golden sexlink.

The girls helped Valerie collect they eggs and take them in to get washed up.

It was awesome to look at all of the cool antiques that Valerie and her family have collected over the years.  My mom would have gone nuts.  There were also a ton of homemade projects throughout.  I loved this little helicopter made out of soda cans.

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