Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa, Sparkler and Other Randomness

Here are just a few random tidbits that I want to be sure and capture.  We went to the Festival of Trees this year.  Kendall had a visit with Santa.  Sidney, as usual, waited outside of the North Pole (that girl:)). 

Kendall and Santa had a bit of fun playing tricks on each other this year.  Kendall is not quite tall enough to see her rabbit ears, but they are there.

We saw the Idaho Irish Dancers perform this year.  They were incredibly awesome.  I think that Kendall would really like to join.  I did check into it, but the practices are during the week.  As much as I would love for her to do this, I think I have to draw the line somewhere.  Maybe later when we do not have as many other activities going on.

Roy and Sherry send down this amazing arrangement for Thanksgiving.  They are always so thoughtful.  It is still alive and kicking!
Terrell had found this cute idea for crazy hair day.  I was all for it, since it was as easy as can be!

Sidney received the class sparkler award a few weeks ago at Awana.  Here she is leading the group in the sparks song.

My zany, crazy, awesome sister came down for Halloween.  One day while we were out and about, I talked her into the big crane machine.  She won her first toy ever!

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