Sunday, May 31, 2015

Fashion News.

Sidney's headaches have continued to give her trouble.  So, we took the logical next step and had her eyes checked.  As a result, she now adorns some very adorable glasses on her very adorable face.  It has been three weeks and the headaches seem to have tapered off.  Coincidence?  I think it is still too early to tell.

Hair news:

Kevin has been totally opposed to shaving his head.  The chemo has thinned it quite a bit, but with such a full head of hair to begin with he had quite a bit to spare.  A couple of weeks ago, he finally took the plunge.  I think it looks great!  It was the second time in 20 years that I have been allowed to cut Kevin's hair.  The first time was 20 years ago.  The logical question, why did he only let me cut it once 20 years ago and never again?  He is too kind to answer.

The girls have made some new friends in the neighborhood.  As it turns out, their mom is a hair stylist.  I scheduled appointments to have the girls hair done by her.  Love it!

Sidney's front version (a selfie, of course).

...and the back.

The girls have been very into painting their own nails lately.  Where do these girls get all of their fashion sense?  I am certain it does not come from me.

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