Monday, May 11, 2015

Bob the Builder, Brunch, a Mouse and an Update.

We took the girls to a Lowe's Build-n-Grow clinic this weekend.  They had a great time putting their project together.  They made planter boxes.  Each of the girls got to pick out two plants to put in their planters.  Two days down and two days of water.  Hopefully, the newness does not wear off:)  Kendall was finished with hers, but I asked for an action shot.  Here is what she gave me.

Sidney so intent on working.  Who has time to stop for a picture?

Alright, finally that sweet smile.

Kevin and I went to a fundraising brunch a few weeks ago.  It was an essay writing contest for teens that have been affected by cancer.  The winners each read their essays and received scholarships.  The kids wrote about either themselves or family members.  It was a great event, but not a dry eye in the house.  When in need of a photographer to capture the moment, ask your six year old.  Here she is practicing.

Alas, the picture.  We have both our head and feet...excellent!

Chili, oh Chili.  Is he a Chiweenie or a cat?  This weekend he decided to be a mouse catcher.  Yuck!  Saturday afternoon as I was dragging the potting soil to the backyard, Chili comes racing toward me with a very large mouse in his mouth.  I screamed.  I jumped.  I ran to the front yard shouting.  Kevin laughed.  The girls raced to the backyard to see.  They are crazy kids.  They got quite a bit of enjoyment over trying to get close to Chili and see the mouse, then running off hysterically.  I am totally mortified, but grateful there is one less mouse to potentially make it into our house!

For those who have been wanting an update, Kevin has finished ten rounds of chemo.  They plan to do two more then give him a break over the summer.  The last few rounds have been pretty rough on him.  Ideally the platelet counts should be above 100.  Two weeks ago they were at 90, but they proceeded with the chemo at Kevin's urging.  Last Friday, the platelet counts were at 74, so they opted to hold off for a week.  When we have chemo this Friday, they are going to lower the does of one of the chemo drugs that is wreaking havoc on his platelets.  Despite all of this, Kevin remains positive and in good spirits.  We have been planning our summer to include a lot of fun activities.  First stop...Disneyland! 

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