Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Best Halloween Yet.

Our church had a Halloween party this year.  We took the girls and had a fantastic time.  We ate hot dogs and lemonade before diving into the fun.  It was like an indoor carnival with games, jump houses and treats galore.

Is that a slingshot in Kendall's hand? 

The girls thought they were in Disneyland.  They could not believe they saw Snow White.  They were a bit shy about asking for a picture.

The girls participated in the cake walk.  We had made a couple of cakes to take to the party. 

We spotted one of our cakes leaving that night and asked for a picture.  Can you spot the real Jack-O-Lantern?

The girls wore themselves out in the bounce houses then sat down to check out all of their loot.

On the way home Kevin took them by the spooky house in our neighborhood.  They had to walk through a tunnel to get to the door.  Sidney made it about halfway through.  A nearby coffin opened then slammed shut.  She came flying out of the tunnel.  Kendall proceeded down the path.  A goblin told her that if she wanted some candy she had to ring the doorbell.  After ringing the doorbell, she was rewarded with a "whole Kit Kat".  Once she got her treat and started to leave, a masked monster came out from the corner to scare her.  Kendall screamed at the top of her lungs, then hung out for a few minutes to talk with the monster.  Go figure!

I loved the indoor party this year.  The girls had a great time and it was fun to actually enjoy all of the costumes, rather than see everyone in the dark all bundled up. 

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