Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mrs. Claus and The Tale of Two Girls.

Today the girls and I went swimming at the Y and then shopping at the mall.  We had a great time spritzing on perfumes and eating See's Candies.  They are at an age that these outings are becoming more fun and less work.  Sidney was dressed to the nines in her sun hat, over the shoulder homemade crocheted purse, tie-died capris and perfectly coordinating top.  I find it quite hilarious when Kendall calls her out on her attire.  Seriously Miss Kendall, not too much room to judge. 

We definitely stumbled across a golden opportunity.  Sidney is STILL terrified of Santa.  She will not even look his direction when we pass by the Santa area at the mall.  Today we walked by while he was "at the North Pole" according to Sidney.  Instead, Mrs. Claus was reading stories to the kids.  I was amazed that there were only about 5 kids sitting around to listen.  We found an area of rug and parked ourselves for a few stories.  After a bit, Sidney started crying.  Apparently, she was worried that Santa was going to come back.  Yes, this is what I would classify as an irrational fear.  However, Mrs. Claus took notice.  I quickly explained that Sidney was not a fan of the whole Santa thing.  Mrs. Claus was awesome.  She asked if Sidney wanted to come up and take a picture with her instead.  Photo opportunity!  It was awesome. 

After we left Mrs. Claus, we headed for the car.  On our way out, we saw Santa coming back from the "North Pole".  He decided to stop by the play area to say hello to the kids.  Sidney kept a safe distance away, while Kendall ran up to have a chat.  She got two hugs and two high-fives.  Wouldn't you know it...I could not get my camera out fast enough. 

Kevin came across a picture of the girls sledding last year.  He said it was one of his favorites as it shows each of their unique personalities. 

Kendall: eyes wide open, taking the world by storm.
Sidney:  eyes glued shut, not ready to see what is ahead of her.

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