Sunday, November 25, 2012

Home Improvement

As I had mentioned previously, we have been very busy between our house and Terrell's house.  A few months ago Terrell and Kevin had traveled up North for the weekend.  The girls and I decided to surprise them with a little home improvement project.  We chose a paint color.  I caulked all of the seams, laid down a ton of plastic, put paint shirts on the girls and let them go to town with the brushes and rollers.  About 10 minutes into the project we took a training time out.  I was cleaning more paint off the window than they were putting on the walls.  After our short training session they were on their way.  Kendall reassured me that Sidney was an experienced painter as she had helped paint the gate at their old preschool.  Sid nodded in agreement, "I really am mom."

After the fresh coat of paint in the kitchen, I felt the great room needed a little sprucing up.  The cornice boxes needed some company.  I found this metal art and had Kevin cut me a couple squares of plywood.  I painted the plywood to match the kitchen wall, then Kevin mounted two of the pieces of metal.  Hanging them was quite a trick.  I did not "think" I was afraid of heights....
My Mom and Dad came for Thanksgiving bearing gifts.  My Mom had worked herself to the bone making a beautiful valance and drapes for our bedroom.  It is the largest bay window she has done to date.  It turned out pretty awesome.  Kevin and I both agree, this is our favorite!
The drapes had tie backs to match the valance and a small puddle of fabric at the carpet.
My Mom made and sewed on 45 fabric buttons.  The fabric buttons are the same fabric as the drapes.  That is a lot of work.  She does such an amazing job!
They also brought the soft cornice boxes for the sun room.  Here is my Dad hard at work.
The finished product.  There are 7 boxes in total.  Each box pleat has two buttons above the pleat.  Beautiful!

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