Sunday, January 22, 2012

Plane Rides, Close Encounters and Birthdays

The girls and I just returned from what has become our annual trip North.  We had the best time.  Kendall and Sidney have become great travelers.  The favorite part of their plane ride was when they got to have (gasp) a soda.  Kendall got the window seat on the way there and Sidney insisted on the window seat during the trip home. 
While up at my parents, we threw Kendall a huge birthday party.  Her cousins attended, along with Lorain's family and the neighborhood kids.  The "close encounters" in the blog title refers to Kendall's reaction to the measles vaccination.  It was absolutely crazy.  She had her 5 year vaccinations about a week before we left.  When we were in the airport getting ready to head up to my parents, I noticed her face was flush and her neck was itching.  By the time we landed, she had a full blown rash and was burning hot (though not an actual fever).  After two rounds with the triage nurse and some Internet searching, I am convinced that she is the 5% that developed a rash after vaccination.  After we were certain that she was not going to be contagious, it was on with the party!  We gave her plenty of baking soda baths and benadryl to keep her comfortable.  It was about 3-4 days before the rash went away. 

Here she is after putting up all of her decorations.  At Christmas, Kendall had spotted some sprinkles at Grandma Terrell's house that she was certain would look fabulous on her birthday cupcakes.  So in true Grandma fashion, Terrell gave Kendall the brand new bottle (can anyone say "spoiled")?  So her cupcakes were brilliantly decorated with red and green sprinkles!
Here are the girls and Hallie waiting for guests to arrive.
Hallie organized a game of pin the tail on the donkey.  That girl should be a party planner!  She lined everyone up by age.  The kids got one spin for each year of age.
Here is Sid pinning the tail on the donkey after her 3 spins.  The big winner was Kaden.  I bet he was glad that he decided to play!
Then it was time for the pinata.  Katie took a swing at the treasure box.  Westin ended up breaking it open for the second year in a row! 
The kids scrambled to fill their loot bags.  The highlight of my Dad's evening was letting Rylee (their dog) join in on the action.  He snagged a couple pieces for Rylee.  That dog is definitely spoiled.  Sidney was calling her "Aunt Rylee".  Seriously?
Beautiful Hallie with all of her stash.
Kendall tortured everyone when it was time for cake.  Abby announced that no one could take a bite of their cake until Kendall took the first bite.  So what did Kendall do?  She SLOWLY peeled away her cupcake wrapper, then she licked the frosting off the candle, then after a very long pause she finally took a bite.  The tension was incredible!
Cousin Kami of course picked out the most amazing birthday gifts.  She definitely knows Kendall's taste.  At Christmas it was a pink glittery cosmetic case filled with cosmetics.  For her birthday, one of the gifts she got Kendall was a purple jewelry box that came with gem stones to decorate it.  I am not sure who had more fun with that Kendall or Grandma Karen?
The girls took turns reading Kendall her cards.  She had such a fabulous time.  Thank you Grandma and Papa.  You sure know how to throw a party!

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