Thursday, October 6, 2011

Frankenstein - Really!

That is me.  Yes, this Tuesday I had two screws put into my head (well my mouth to be exact).  I literally watched the orthodontist take a screw and a screwdriver and put two screws into my skull.  I am having invisalign done on my teeth.  I feel the need to state that it is not for cosmetic reasons, but the cosmetic results will be a bonus!  Part of the process is to use screws and rubber bands to literally pull my teeth up into my jaw.  Naturally, this will happen over the next 18 months.  So far, it has been VERY painful. 

It was kind of a funny story though...I am not much of a prankster, but I think the anesthetic got to me (good excuse anyways).  The orthodontist came to check if I was numb.  The moment he poked me with the metal pick to ensure I was numb, I began screaming.  Yes, I did.  I am not sure what possessed me.  Of course I could not really feel a thing.  He jerked back in terror.  After a moment I was able to calm him down and convince him that I was completely kidding.  He informed me that no one had ever done that to him before and that his heart was racing 100 miles per hour.  I told him that it was okay because I had never actually done anything like that before.  After we got all of that straight, he proceeded to drive the screws into my head.  In hindsight that was probably not the smartest thing to do, but it sure was funny!


Team said...

You are terrible! And hilarious. I can just picture our poor ortho's face. ")

Kristin said...

Hilarious. I am not sure that was the best thing for your upcoming pain, but still hilarious.