Monday, October 17, 2011

We are in for it!

We just moved so I am at the public library because I am truly addicted to the computer.  I will post more on the move later, but a story about Kendall...

We are in serious trouble (Kevin and I).  Friday I picked her up from school and she informed me that she had two boyfriends - Joey and Emilio.  Perfect, only two weeks after telling me she was chasing boys.  UGH. 

Then last night at walmart I was picking up a couple of shelves.  The nice looking 18 year old boy was helping me out to the car.  He was trailing behind us in another cart with the shelves.  Picture this.  Kendall is sitting in the basket of the cart, peeking around me with the biggest grin she could manage.  Her eyes were wide and she was literally batting her eyelashes.  At one point, I turned around to see how the boy was responding.  He was laughing his tail off!  I said, "I really hope this is not a sign of times to come!".  UGH - again!

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