Monday, September 26, 2011

Is that Pig?

If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read this post.  The bottom line is that I have food issues.  I do not eat meat on the bone.  When I make soup, I use bouillon cubes.  When Kevin hunts, he brings it to me wrapped up nice and neat, boneless, skinless, etc.  I love eggs, but only if I do not think about what they really are.  I gave up eating chicken for several years once, because I thought about what I was "actually" eating.  I LOVE FOOD, but do not want to consider the source.  I like to live in denial.  It works for me.  Until Now.  Now I have two very curious little girls that like to associate things.  The other day when I was slicing up some honey ham for a quiche, Kendall came running into the room.  "Is that pig?"  She asked this with great excitement as she went to get her stool.  "I LOOOVVVVEEE Pig.", she exclaims.  Then she climbs up and asks if she can have some.  Of course Sidney comes running in to investigate.  She too seems to LOVE pig.  After about 10 minutes of this talk, I had to stop and tell them.  "Yes girls, it is pig.  However, can we please refer to it as ham?"  Somehow that makes me feel much better.

Yesterday we went to church and they had a kids carnival after service.  The carnival was complete with jump houses, popcorn and cotton candy.  The girls had never tried cotton candy before.  Sidney was not a big fan.  It was a bit weird for her.  Every time she would take a bite she would gag and try to wipe it off her tongue.  Needless to say, she did not end up finishing the cotton candy.

We spent our weekend packing up the house.  We found a house that we really loved and it closes in less than 3 weeks.  For those that have followed this story, it is not the first house that we originally started this whold thing over.  This is a house that we found last weekend and fell in love with it.  The girls have been doing very well with the idea of moving.  We promised Kendall that she could have a garden in the first house that we saw.  So when we found this other house that we ended up buying, she was not super crazy about it.  Finally I asked her what she did not like about it, she replied "I like the first one because I will have a garden."  No worries little one, there is room for a garden at this one too.  She is a crazy little gardener.  She loves to pull weeds, and tells me often when I need to water.  It will be fun to see how her garden does, because we are letting her take full reign of it.  As we talk about the move, the girls ask a ton of questions relating to what we will be taking and what we will leave behind.  Will we take the beds, the pictures, Cooper and Coco, etc.?  (Trust me there are many days when I would love to say we are leaving Cooper and Coco behind.  Those crazy dogs!).  So yesterday as we were driving, they were asking more of these questions.  As they were describing the sitting room in our current house, they referred to it as the "time-out" room.  I found this humorous.  I had never really thought of it that way.  Imagine that, we have an entire room dedicated to time-outs.

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