Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sid Stories

A little bit sassy, a lot of bit sweet.  She is definitely hitting the terrible two's (though almost three).  Sidney's personality has really been emerging and she is seriously funny.  I have been keeping a log of humorous stories in my head that I have intended to document.  By the time I have gotten around to it half of them are forgotten, but here are a few.
A couple of months ago the little stinker in Sidney had emerged.  The first glimpse of it was one evening when I got home from work.  Kevin was not home yet and I had asked Sidney to do something.  She said "huh?"  I was preoccupied myself and repeated my request without looking up.  Again I hear "huh?".  Once again I repeated my request (yes, bad parenting).  For the third time, she replied "huh?".  This time I looked up to see her grinning ear to ear sitting still as could be.  That little turkey had heard me the first time and was just working it.  The really funny part was when Kevin got home that night.  I sat back and watched in amusement as she did the exact same thing to him.  He, like me, was also preoccupied and did not bother to notice.  He just kept repeating himself.

All talk, no walk.  That is our little Sid.  It is funny because Kevin and I are pretty adventurous people.  Not Sid!  No way.  She is the most cautious child ever.  For every ounce of caution, she has a big story to tell.  The other day she was bragging about how she loves Santa.  Finally I interjected and said, "Come on Sid, you would not even look the man in the eye and you certainly would not sit on his lap".  I asked, "So you like him now and look forward to sitting on his lap this year."  Her reply was a very firm "NO." 

Then there were the cows.  A couple of weeks ago when we were driving the girls to meet my parents, we kept seeing a bunch of cows on the side of the rode.  Out of nowhere Sid tells us she wants to ride a cow.  After repeatedly ignoring her, she started to throw a fit insisting that we pull over so she could ride a cow.  Kevin started to stop the car and he said, "Okay Sid.  We will stop the car and you can ride a cow."  Suddenly we heard her say a very firm "NO" once again.

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