Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Around and Around We Go!

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at POJO's.  For the girls ages right now, this place is awesome.  There are a lot of games and rides for their pint size.  They had a blast.  Each time we have been there, the people working have been great.  One would think that they would be really bored with their job, listening to cheesy music and  kids screaming all day, but they seem to enjoy the kids.  It never fails, they always offer to let the kids ride the carousel...just one more time.  Yesterday, the girls each rode the carousel 4 times.  Good thing I do not get motion sickness, or we would have been in trouble.

We played a lot of games.  The girls seemed to really enjoy "milking Bessie".  Personally I think this game is disgusting, but the girls got a real kick out of it.
Sidney had two favorite activities.  She liked a game where the music was blaring and she had to jump a bunch of times to get the music and lights to stop.  By design, I think the player only needs to jump once.  Her little mass required a few jumps, with a little momentum.  Her other favorite was the airplane ride.

Kendall loved the bug smashing game.  It was similar to Dance Dance Revolution.  She could not get enough.  Watch out nintendo, here she comes.
Then it was off to the Lion's head to hydrate before heading home.

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