Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Pigeon, Emma and a Gift from Heaven.

Pigeon is such a mellow horse.  One of Sid's trainers, Noel, has a six month old little girl.  Emma LOVES Pigeon.  She giggles when she gets to sit on his back and tries to crawl up his neck.  Pigeon just sits there very still and lets her do her thing.

Who is the crowd magnet, Pigeon or Emma?  I say Emma for the win!  Emma's mom and dad, Noel and Curtis are the ones with the hats on the right.

It is such a family affair.  Sid, Noel, Hannah and Emma spent the day out at the ranch having fun and helping Sabrina get the stalls ready for the Mustang's.  They took turns holding Emma, who is a super joyful little girl.

Sidney and I had an interesting discussion the other night.  We were talking about how much she has fallen in love with horse riding.  It is her thing.  She mentioned that it sometimes makes her sad, because if Kevin would not have died, she would have never discovered horses.  It was at a kids grief camp that she had her first ride on a horse.  I told her that is one way of looking at it.  Another way to see it, is that horses were a parting gift from her dad.  I like that way of thinking much better.  He would be so proud of his girls.  I always go back to a conversation that he and I had when they were little.  We always had the girls involved in some type of activity, be it dance, gymnastics, ice skating, soccer, etc.  I used to ponder whether we were doing them a disservice by not having them focus on just one thing.  As an athletic director, he said the exposure to all the different activities was great.  He was confident they would land on one that they loved, then it would be them driving the bus.  He was right.  They have definitely found their passions.

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