Sunday, May 22, 2022

Season Openers.

Sidney and Pigeon have started doing Eh Capa practices.  This is all very new for Pigeon.  He is doing amazing and always gives his very best, but it does take time to learn the unique role of the Eh Capa horse.  At times, I think Sidney gets impatient and wishes it would happen overnight.  In reality, she understands what she is asking and is very pleased with how they are progressing.  The team had a couple unique opportunities to try their skills out early in the season.  The Treasure Valley Leather Slappers drillteam invited them to one of their performances.  It was a great low pressure opportunity for new horses and new riders to experience the noise and excitement of performing in front of the crowd.  Everyone did an amazing job!

Here are a few pictures of life in Eh Capa.  The girls waiting in the heat for their call time.

Hailey and Sidney riding their first year horses into the arena for their first performance.

A few of Sidney's friends came out to cheer her on including David and Hannah Nelson and the Rawlins family.

Katy took some beautiful pictures with her iphone.

Here is Alyssa with all 'her girls'.  I love that she still includes Sidney in this group, as this is where it all started.

Nothing beats a cute horse butt shot.  Here is our cute little red trailer with the upper doors off for the summer.  Lily and Pigeon have become so easy to load.  It is pretty great to have both horses able to load in both a straight load and slant trailer!

The next opportunity was to walk in Parade America.  Sidney did this last year with one of Alyssa's horses.  This would have been Pigeon's first parade, and it was a big one.  Think about every spooky noise or site imaginable; motorcycles, balloons, sirens, planes flying over, yelling, etc.  When we arrived Pigeon got a little freaked out.  He gave Sidney a bit of a 'ride'.  I was really proud of her as she seemed to remain calm.  Here is a picture one of the other mom's took of me checking in with Sidney after Pigeon's little freak out.

After they both took a deep breath, they joined the line for judging.

Then it was off to the parade entry waiting line for a very long wait.  Everything seemed to be going well, so I walked to the parade start to watch the festivities.  The Eh Capa Papa's had their eye on everyone and would let me know if something was needed.

They keep all the horses at the end of the parade line.  So, I watched everything.  It was awesome.  Then came the horses.  The minute they started, I got the call.  They had to pull Sidney and Pigeon.  It was just too much for Pigeon.  He got a little amped up and backed up onto someone's lawn and was jumping up on his back legs.  So, I met them back at the trailer. Sidney was very frustrated and disappointed at first.  After a bit, she was able to put it into perspective.  Safety first!  It was just a bit too much for Pigeon's first parade.  I am proud of them both for hanging in their as long as they both could possibly make it.  It was great experience, and they will both be that much more ready the next time.

This is me typing up this blog while Sidney sets up some jumps.  I love this place!

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