Saturday, September 18, 2021

Her First Job.

Kendall has been itching to get a part time job.  She has been doing some babysitting, but that is not always consistent.  We got a tip on a job, so she went and picked up and application.  When she turned it back in, they scheduled her for an interview.

She was both very excited and very nervous.  We practiced interviewing.  When I asked her 'why do you want this job?', her response was, "I want to help people and I want the work experience."  I added that earning a bit of extra money to learn to manage is not a bad reason either.  My mom drove her to her interview (which lasted an hour).  She walked out of the interview with her first part time job.  She is scheduled to work a few 3 hour shifts each week.  Perfect.  

She was so excited!  She has already completed her orientation and works her first shift this weekend.

Grandma Karen took her out for ice cream to celebrate.  My little girl is getting so grown up.  I love it and I hate it all at the same time.  She is such a smart, funny and caring young lady!

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