Saturday, April 24, 2021

Spring has Sprung.

The bikes are out, the flowers are getting planted.  Spring is here.  Kendall has decided to start dance class.  She is absolutely loving it, though I do not have any pictures yet.  The class she joined has been meeting since September.  I think her gymnastics experience has helped her to jump right in and get up to speed.  They are rehearsing for a summer performance.  There are about 10 girls in the class.  They all seem to really have a great time and not take themselves too seriously, which has been super fun!

We have two birds nests in our gutters.  One in the front and one in the back.  Each year birds come to lay their eggs.  Sadly, we sometimes find carcasses just below the nests, as the birds learn to take flight.  Mostly it is just fun to hear them and watch them.  Here is one of the birds checking things out.

My pots are planted.  We are getting some rain today, which should help all of the flowers grow.  I tore out my 'ugly' bushes (5 of them) and put in some fun new ones.  I am excited to see them grow.

Sidney tried a lava cake recipe that my mom gave her.  I think the results are a bit mixed.

The girls and I took cousin AshLee to watch Shrek the Musical.  It was a very cute play.  We all agreed Grandma Terrell would not have enjoyed it.  Too many bodily noises.

Sidney seemed just a wee bit too curious about April Fool's this year.  I should have caught on when they both lingered in my office that moring (very unusual).  I sat at my desk to begin the day, and the mouse would not work.  I was just about ready to restart the computer when I decided to flip the mouse over.

Yep, I was fooled!  The girls were pretty proud of this one.

My dad and I have been getting in some sunset rounds of golf.  I caught this beautiful evening sky during one of our Boise Ranch rounds.  I never get tired of the gorgeous Boise sunrises and sunsets.

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