Sunday, April 28, 2019

Ombre Hair

I must confess, I know very little about makeup, hair dye and false eyelashes.  I have two little girls that adore that stuff.  So, I am learning.  Sidney mentioned Ombre hair.  I mentioned that I do not even spend that kind of money on my own hair.  I certainly would not spend it on her hair (yep, that is exactly how the conversation went).  The girls had been scheduled for an afternoon hair cut.  I mentioned to the man that cut Kendall's hair that they were interested in Ombre.  He was very encouraging and talked me into giving it a try.  He gave me a ton of tips and told me exactly what to but. 
With that kind of encouragement, I gave it a go!  We stayed with colors that were subtle, since it was our first foray.  Sidney was excited, but totally freaked out.

Sidney went with a reverse Ombre.

Kendall went with a more traditional version.

I would call this a very positive experience and a smashing success for our fist time.  I think we will be even more bold the second time around:).

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