Friday, December 7, 2018

Giving Thanks and a Bit of Zaniness!

I know that things are a bit out of sorts in the last few blog posts, but back to Thanksgiving for a moment.  We had a lot of family in town to help out and enjoy the holiday with us.  Tilston, Makenna and Debbie came for a visit.  Tilston and Makenna stayed for the holiday.  The girls had a blast playing endless hours of card games.
Kendall roped my dad into helping her make these fabulous name cards.  Each of the turkeys were filled with chocolate. 
Sidney made a few decorations for the walls.  I never quite know where she comes up with these ideas, but they are seriously cute. 

My mom definitely outdid herself with preparing Thanksgiving dinner.  Here she is trying to catch a break with the girls.

The table was festive and beautiful.  The feast was amazing!

After dinner, my sister took Kendall out for a little Black Friday shopping (does that mean 'gray' Thursday).  I have not quite figured out what to call it.

 We managed to get to the Festival of Trees on the last day.  I absolutely love this event.  The proceeds this year went to the St. Alphonsus Cancer Care Center.  Bonus!

Drumroll please...Sidney sat with Santa.  Whoa!
There is a side of Sidney that very few people get to see, since she always seems so reserved in public.  Believe me when I tell you, this girl is crazy.  These pictures will prove it! 

1 comment:

Carolyn Glidewell said...

I'm loving the blogs, Heather. Thank you very much. The photos help so much too. I can't believe how good Kevin looks in the Thanksgiving picture, especially now knowing that his life was ebbing. How gracious of God to give you that day.