Saturday, June 6, 2015

Moving On Up.

Sidney had her Kindergarten graduation ceremony.  We were all so proud of her.  She overcame her "stage fright" and sang with her class like a champ. 
Her teacher passed out the graduation certificates.  Sidney reached in for a hug.  Mrs. Williams has been an awesome teacher and managed to make it through the school year with only eight more days until her second baby is supposed to arrive.   
Sidney was so proud and gave her cousin Kami a big high five as she walked out with her class.
Afterward, Sidney said goodbye to her teacher.  She then proceeded to find her teacher for next year and introduce herself. 

Grandma Terrell made her an amazing doll cake and prepared Sidney's favorite dinner, pizza and chicken nuggets.
Sidney was so excited to get balloons and have a celebration.  She even passed out cake and ice cream to some of her neighborhood friends.

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