Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas Deocorating and the Festival of Trees.

Friday after Thanksgiving, we decorated our house for Christmas.  The whole family took part in decorating.  We were so thankful for all of the kindness that our family showed us and for helping us with some of the things that we have not been able to do the past few weeks!  Kevin passed out the ornaments while the girls hung them from the tree. 

Kevin and I have had the same artificial tree since the first year we were married (17 years ago).  We finally broke down last year and bought a tall pre-lit tree at the end of the season.  My dad help put the tree together.  He also did the honors of placing the tree topper on.
We could not bear to part with our old tree, so I did a theme tree.  Last winter I made a bunch of photo ornaments.
It was awesome to pull out each of the ornaments and walk down memory lane.

Our nurse navigator had sent us tickets to the Festival of Trees this year.  Kevin had a pretty rough weekend, but he wanted the girls and I to go and check it out.  We had a great time.  The girls stopped at the tattoo station first.

Then they sat and had a great conversation with the talking tree.
We toured the trees, and the girls posed for pictures with some of their favorites.

The belly dancers were performing while we were there.  The girls were mesmerized.  Kendall turned to me about halfway through and said, "It is like they are telling a story."  I must say, they did a very nice job.

This was as close to Santa as Sidney would get.  I did not push the issue.  Of course, after we left she asked if we could go back and see him.  No way.  All talk, no walk...

Kendall carried on a lengthy conversation with Santa.  He said that he had visited her school last year.  He was kind enough to wave to Sidney from afar.

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