Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sidney's MRI and the Hospital Tooth Fairy.

Sidney has been having headaches for about a year now.  At times, they make her nauseous and vomit.  We have learned to respond immediately with Tylenol when she says her head hurts.  If we respond immediately, the headache usually goes away.  At her wellness check this year, her doctor wanted me to track the frequency of her headaches.  I did and was surprised at how often they occur.  I also noticed that they occur at night. 
My motherly instinct was sure that nothing serious was going on.  Kevin had headaches like this when he was a little kid as well.  However, the doctor ordered an MRI to be sure.  Needless to say, I was all for it! 
She had her MRI yesterday.  We prepped her by watching you tube videos.  We also opted for the general anesthesia.  She seemed pretty ready.  The MRI was scheduled for the afternoon.  She could only have juice and jello that morning and nothing after 11am.  Kendall took it upon herself to fast with Sidney.  She was very supportive.  Here is Sidney waiting to check in.
All checked in with her fancy wrist band.

During the prep, the doctor asked if she had any loose teeth.  She had one that was hanging on by a thread.  He told Sidney that he was going to pull it once she was asleep.  Of course, she began to freak out.  The doctor then told her that he would not pull it, but if it happened to fall out he had a direct line to the tooth fairy.  She decorated her mask and put yummy smelling stuff inside it to combat the gross smelling anesthesia gas. 

When she was walking into the MRI room, major freaking out began.  I told the doctors that they would have to make it happen, and they did.  Of course, they said the minute I was out of sight she calmed down and did a fantastic job.  It was her last ditch effort to get out of the whole thing. 

During the procedure, Doctor B brought me the tooth and Doctor Travis brought the money from the tooth fairy.  Hospital tooth fairies are way cool for a couple of reasons 1)  They come immediately and do not wait until night time and 2)  They give you the tooth back so you can still leave it under your pillow and score TWICE!

Here is Sidney all smiles after waking up.  She wanted to know if Doctor B pulled out her tooth.  I said, "Yes."  She said, "He lied to me."  Then I remembered..."Doctor B did not ACTUALLY pull out the tooth, it was Doctor Travis."  She seemed relieved at that.

I asked her what the best part and the worst part of the whole process was.  She told me that the worst part was the balloon, because she was not able to pop it.  She also told me that the best part was the balloon, because she was able to get it pretty big.  Amazing that the balloon they used for the anesthesia process was both the peak and the valley.

I am very happy to report that the doctor called today and the MRI results were normal.  My mom instinct was correct.  Our little girl handles stress and fatigue with a headache. 

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