Monday, September 17, 2012

I Cannot Believe She Did It!

Sid turned four years old a couple of weeks ago.  The morning of her birthday she woke up and asked if she could get her ears pierced.  She called her Dad at work to ask.  He gave her the speech.  I explained that it would hurt for a couple of weeks and cleanings were not an option.  She said, "Okay, but after nap."  Nap came and went.  Then she said, "Maybe I will wait until I am five or seven or something."  I thought that would be the end of it. 

A few days later, Saturday, she woke up and asked again if she could get her ears pierced.  We gave her the same speeches only this time she did not want to wait until nap.  We called ahead to make sure that two girls were working and down to the store we went.  She was very brave.  The ladies cleaned her ears.  They marked her ears.  Then she said, "I think I want to go play for a bit then come back."  I told her, "That is fine, but we will not be coming back until you are five or seven or something."  She replied, "OK.  I really want to." 

Two simultaneous pierces, one big holler and two crocodile tears later, she jumped down to grab a sucker for her and her sister and off she went.  She has been reminding me daily to clean her ears.  What a champ!

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