Friday, September 21, 2012

Wild Animals.

If you would have seen us at the zoo the other day you might have asked whether I was referring to the kids or the zoo animals?  The girls, my mother-in-law and I met up with Sidney's friends at the zoo.  Actually Sidney's friends have been turning into "our" friends.  We had a great time with the twins, their older brother and their mom Becky.

We arrived a few minutes early so I could walk Terrell through the rose garden at Julia Davis Park.  She is in awe at all of the roses in the Boise area and cannot wait to plant a few in her own new yard. 

The girls were full of energy and could not wait to see their friends.  Sidney has been in preschool with the twins for the past couple of years.  Their teachers have referred to the three girls as the "three musketeers".  Last year one of the twins was not being very nice to Sidney.  She used to come home and tell me about it.  I sat her down and had a talk with her.  Apparently she took our talk to heart and put it into action, because whenever I ask her about it she says, "Yes, she used to not be nice to me.  Then I told her that I get to choose my friends and if she is not nice I will choose to not have her as a friend.  She decided to be nice to me."  Simple and funny. 

Once all of the kids met up, they were off and running.  This picture says it all.  We had a hard time keeping up with the kiddos and their boundless energy. 


Each of them took turns driving the safari jeep.

The monkeys were very noisy that morning.  Sidney wanted to know why they were not saying "EE EE OO OO". 

Of course a spin on the carousel was in order.  I must say this carousel went much faster than the one at Pojo's.  I am glad that we only rode it once, I was getting dizzy.

This was a tunnel where the kids could pop their heads up through the top.  It was crazy noisy in there.  It echoed immensely.  The kids loved it and were screaming just to hear themselves scream - literally.

Yes, I know we were there to see the zoo animals, but these animals were just too darn cute!

Kendall was the only one that we could get to lay still long enough for a turtle picture.

The kids absolutely loved this tunnel slide. 

Here they are begging for "just one more ride..."

As her teacher Miss Wendy would say, "Here is Sidney the snake."  Grandma Terrell would not even walk through the snake area with us.  We thought we would surprise her with a picture.

The tiger was absolutely hilarious.  He was trying to take a nap and the kids kept roaring at him.  Every few seconds he would poke his head up and give them a look that said "Buzz off".  To his dismay, it just made the kids roar louder.

Kendall LOVED feeding the goats.  After she polished off my quarters, she proceeded to pick up every piece of food left on the ground and walk back and forth deciding which goat she wanted to give it to.  Sidney wanted nothing to do with the goats.  After all, it would get her hands dirty.

We made it in time to see the butterfly exhibit.  I think this was the crowd favorite.  Kendall was as still as a statue just hoping butterflies would land on her.  Her persistence paid off.  I did not get to see it because I had to leave after about 15 minutes.  As it goes Sidney talks a good talk, but when several of the butterflies tried to land on her she started screaming at the top of her lungs and flailing about.  We just could not have that, so we quickly exited.  As soon as we got out of the exhibit she resumed her tough talk again.  Grandma Terrell was the first to have a butterfly land on her.  It must have been the red shirt.

I had one land on my shoe, one on my back and one on each shoulder before I had to leave.  It was very cool indeed.
After about 5 hours touring the zoo (I am not exaggerating though we did break for lunch), we celebrated Kylee and Kaylen's birthday with cupcakes.  It was a lot of fun.  I had not been to the zoo in several years. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Cannot Believe She Did It!

Sid turned four years old a couple of weeks ago.  The morning of her birthday she woke up and asked if she could get her ears pierced.  She called her Dad at work to ask.  He gave her the speech.  I explained that it would hurt for a couple of weeks and cleanings were not an option.  She said, "Okay, but after nap."  Nap came and went.  Then she said, "Maybe I will wait until I am five or seven or something."  I thought that would be the end of it. 

A few days later, Saturday, she woke up and asked again if she could get her ears pierced.  We gave her the same speeches only this time she did not want to wait until nap.  We called ahead to make sure that two girls were working and down to the store we went.  She was very brave.  The ladies cleaned her ears.  They marked her ears.  Then she said, "I think I want to go play for a bit then come back."  I told her, "That is fine, but we will not be coming back until you are five or seven or something."  She replied, "OK.  I really want to." 

Two simultaneous pierces, one big holler and two crocodile tears later, she jumped down to grab a sucker for her and her sister and off she went.  She has been reminding me daily to clean her ears.  What a champ!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spending the Morning with Dad

Though this post is a bit tardy, I believe it was a couple of weekends ago that Kevin took Kendall down to see the hot air ballons.  They left bright and early on a Saturday morning.  Sid and I stayed home to hang out and bake! 

 I am not sure who had more fun Kevin or Kendall?